Saturday, May 8, 2010

Mother's Day and College Sports

I wish all the mothers who read my blog a Happy Mother's Day. You perform one of the most important jobs out there.

Mother's Day is bittersweet for me. My mother died February 2007. She was a good lady and I still miss her.

She enjoyed sports too. When people asked her why she was a sports fan, she replied, "How could I not be living with these men."

But I think she would have enjoyed sports regardless. She played high school basketball back in a day when many women didn't participate in organized sports.

My mother enjoyed college basketball too especially later in life. If Iowa or Iowa State played, her television was usually turned to the game. I remember sitting in her nursing home room and watching some games with her. She also read about the teams in the newspaper.

I wanted to teach her the game of football. I was even patient for a while, but then gave up. She tried, but she just couldn't understand it. But there was no shame in that. Other people struggle with the complexity of football.

My mother was a winner in the game of life. She taught me valuable lessons that help me play my life game too.

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