Monday, December 20, 2010

Norm Parker is an Inspiration

Iowa defensive coordinator Norm Parker met the media Friday to discuss his health condition.

I have written about Parker’s story before. The old, loveable crusty coach has had a rough 2010. He lost his right foot due to diabetes and has been in and out of the hospital. He was away from the team for most of the season. He came back late in the year on a limited basis.

So basically Parker is the kind of guy to think about when we consider our own struggles.

Parker walks with a walker these days. He plans to be at the Iowa bowl game. He vows to be healthier in 2011.

I love this guy’s sense of humor. It’s rare with football coaches. But Norm is Norm. He talked about getting out of bed without his fake leg. Ooops.

Football coaches are tough guys. Parker fits the mold, but life has humbled him now. He said Friday that for him football used to be about wins and losses. Now, it’s about the people.

Parker remains a tough guy, but in a different vein. He’s still battling on a field, but this time, it’s the game of life.

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