Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Think About It

Media and fans are questioning basketball coach Ed DeChellis’ decision to leave Penn State and accept the Navy job. They wonder why he would leave a Big Ten school for a lesser school and conference.

But if you really analyze the move, it isn’t that hard to figure out. DeChellis knew the marriage was on shaky ground so why not make a departure before Penn State decided it had enough.

You cannot tell me DeChellis didn’t update his resume and have it ready. He probably saved his job last year when he guided the Lions to the NCAA tournament. Penn State was one of the final teams to make the field too.

Without that NCAA run, DeChellis had little to stand on. His teams weren’t that competitive in the conference overall and usually finished annually near the bottom. But I think the guy was doing the best job he could.

Let’s face it: the basketball job at Penn State is extremely difficult. Does the words football, football and football, mean anything. How about Joe Paterno? Football has always been king and will continue to be king. The basketball program is like a distant stepchild. Fans aren’t exactly waiting in eager anticipation for anything basketball related including attending games.

Penn State will continue to express nice things about its basketball program, but until it pumps in some money and marketing interest, the next coach will become the usual basketball babysitter.

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