Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The Sickening Mess at Penn State

This mess at Penn State becomes more disguising each day. Where this merry-go-round will stop nobody knows.

Former Penn State assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky allegedly was involved in child exploitation. Some are charging Penn State officials including legendary football coach Joe Paterno with cover-up.

Now there is an Associated Press report that Paterno will resign at the end of the season. I still think it might that be that long. How can Paterno continue to coach under this massive cloud? JoePa will face major scrutiny for his remaining days at Penn State.

Some say, JoePa is the fall guy for the university. I don’t know how much responsibility should be his in this terrible case, but he is the CEO of the program. That in itself requires leadership and responsibility.

Nobody at Penn State is showing any leadership. Until someone comes out and explains this tragedy and takes responsibility, all we have is conjecture, hurt, anger and a story that won’t go away.

Penn State is an institution of higher education. Right now if I was grading the school, it would receive a big fat “F.”

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