Saturday, November 12, 2011

Basketball on Ship III

Friday night’s college basketball game between North Carolina and Michigan State on the navy carrier ship was a great night for America. It was a fitting occasion to celebrate Veteran’s Day with many servicemen and servicewomen in attendance.

Our country has gone through a lot in recent years, but it was great to step aside from the problems and celebrate America and the men and women’s service for this great nation. It reminded me of July 4th in the middle of November.

It was one of the few times I have ever watched a basketball game and concluded that there were no losers. Yes, the Tar Heels did defeat the Spartans on the scoreboard, but both teams were winners on this night. I imagine Michigan State was disappointed in the loss, but what an experience for all the players and staff involved.

Sounds like this might become an annual event playing a college basketball game on Veteran’s Day. I think that would be awesome.

We never have too many opportunities to celebrate this great nation and the sacrifices of our military personnel. Playing college basketball on Veteran’s Day is a fitting tribute.

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