Thursday, September 16, 2010

More Heisman Trophy Talk

The Heisman Trophy brass made the proper decision when it announced that the 2005 award would remain vacant after Reggie Bush decided to give the trophy back.

There was some talk that runner-up Vince Young should garner the award. Well, Young finished a distant second that year, so why should he be elevated to the top spot? Anyone who wins the Heisman should earn it plain-and-simple. It's okay to have one year without an actual winner. It won't tarnish the luster of the award.

The NCAA could take a lesson from the Heisman folks. Whenever the NCAA finds someone cheating and takes away a conference championship and something higher, they will also make the school forfeit the games won. That seems pretty meaningless. Joe's College finished that year 5-6 and now it can claim a 6-6 record. But the problem is nobody cares or probably remembers. And frankly, Joe's College probably doesn't care either. So, NCAA take some advice from the Heisman folks and just move on.

Hopefully, all this 2005 Heisman talk can return to the past. There is a college football season happening and some players want to become the talk of the 2010 Heisman Trophy.

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